Twin Lakes Conference Center

Low Challenge Course

Low Challenge Course

The Low Challenge Course at Twin Lakes is designed to help a group/team of people learn about communication and teamwork while having fun at the same time. You will share experiences with your group that will help you learn these lessons and grow together in community. We will explore and learn together, debriefing frequently in order to make the most of these physically and mentally challenging activities, all through the perspective of a Christian worldview.

Low Challenge Course

We hope that you an imagine the significant changes that we have seen in individuals and groups who participate in our Low Challenge Course Program. Businesses, schools, executive committees, youth groups, ministers, construction workers, teachers and countless other types of teams have come away from this experience with a new found community and often changed lives through the truth communicated in experiential learning. When done in the context of Jesus Christ – this team-building activity can become a powerful tool for transformation.

Let us know if you are interested in bringing your group; we would love to minister to and bless you in this way. Our facilitators are trained to help you get the most out of the activities. You can also work with us to customize your experience so you can get the most out of the event. If you have questions or even preferences about elements please contact us so we can start planning well ahead of time.

The Low Challenge Course is intended for and best utilized by older guests (high school age and up), that have the attention span and desire to learn, participate, stretch their comfort zone, learn more about themselves and learn about putting others first in teamwork.